Build Affordable Faster California is the independent local, regional, and statewide civic advocacy voice of San Francisco’s TODCO Group – “South of Market Neighborhood Builders” (www.todco.org). BAFCA supports and often proposes public programs and legislation that will provide Affordable Homes and Social Justice for all of us: America’s working class and middle class, the poor and the unhoused. BAFCA is a registered (501c4) nonprofit campaign election committee (CA State ID #1388285) with financial disclosures available at sfethics.org.
1980-Today: A real Yerba Buena Neighborhood (https://www.sfexaminer.com/our_partners/the-untold-story-how-yerba-buena-became-a-real-neighborhood/article_0617a64c-1b3f-11ee-bfa3-e3fc01d3d87a.html)
1990-2010: Sixth Street Redevelopment neighborhood building (https://www.sfexaminer.com/our_partners/todco-redevelopment-built-a-soma-community-instead-of-tearing-it-down/article_f0d9d012-eb59-11ed-8524-9b2fc35fd1ed.html)
Proposition X Voter approved 2016: Requires developers to preserve or replace PDR zoned spaces for arts and small businesses citywide
Proposition C 2016: Set Voter approved 50% goal for lower/moderate/middle income housing development citywide
Proposition E 2018: Voter approved limits on commercial office development citywide to match affordable housing production
Central SOMA Plan Agreement 2018: Dedicated four SOMA development sites to future affordable housing development
Market/Van Ness Hub Area Plan Agreements 2020: Required three developments to provide affordable housing and community facilities, especially the purchase of the Mission Monster project site for future affordable housing (https://www.sfexaminer.com/test/our_partners/the-untold-story-how-san-francisco-s-top-affordable-housing-advocates-helped-turn-a-monster/article_470e0e36-ffe0-11ed-ac7d-a79f9f8542dd.html)
AB 464 2021: Sponsored approved State legislation to allow Enhanced Infrastructure Finance District funding for nonprofit community facilities and small business assistance projects
2024-20??: Completing the Yerba Buena Neighborhood (https://www.sfexaminer.com/downtown-san-franciscos-recovery-yerba-buena-is-a-place-to-begin/article_e54ade74-62ca-11ee-b21f-bb26816f87ec.html)